

100 År SRF Kronoberg

This project, designed in collaboration with Synskadades Riksförbund Kronoberg, took over a year to complete.

In the future I will continue to collaborate with Synskadades Riksförbund to develop a workshop for the sight-impaired.

Hot casting on Pâte de Verre

In the beginning of 2020 The Glass Factory offered a Pâte de Verre course from Kai Kiudsoo Varv. Due to the Corona Pandemic this was given online. At The Glass Factory it was possible for a few participants to participate onsite. This part as well as the distance-handling was guided by Lioba Maria Solga and myself. Since then this exciting tenchnique opens new possibilites for us.

 Here an example of hot casted glass on top of small Pâte de Verre sheets.

Glass into Paper at The Lessebo Pappersbruk

Lioba Maria Solga and I were given the opportunity to play in the beautiful old fashioned Handpapermill in Lessebo.

We had a first go at connecting glass with paper, the results definitely asked for more trail and of course also error…;-)


Inspired by the project "Useful Glass" Bart van der Maar and I teamed up to make our idea of an art education project come true. The name is Groene Groei, or Green Growth.

The glass bowls are made from green packaging glass made by me and the metal bottom part is made by Bart.

Anisozygoptera Mechanica Gigantica

In 2016 Metalshaper Bart van der Maar and I started a collaboration named "van Glas naar Staal" or in English "from Glas to Steel."

This object "Anisozygoptera" was created by communication through the materials.  Bart and I gave each other parts of the object and each kept adding something.

The result can be seen in the picture.

Useful Glass

Here is one of the results of my study up until now; researching the possibilities of packaging-glass.

For 'Revisiting Practice', unit 1 of the Master Arteducation at ArtEZ in Zwolle, NL I focused on packaging glass, what to do with it and what image it produces. Furthermore I did not go far to gather the materials I needed, I got them from my immediate surroundings.

The picture shows a 'zandmal' test, the skin that the glass gets from the sand is absolutely gorgeous!

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